Educating future customers to achieve a positive change in behaviour.
Gibber work with water industry organisations to support greater water efficiency and wastewater messaging. We help to educate future customers through memorable learning experiences using innovative Theatre in Education (TiE).
In this post, we look at why the water industry are using TiE. And how it successfully engages with young people to deliver key water messages. We also give some examples of Gibber programs to help you understand the positive changes in attitudes and water-using behaviour it can achieve.
Why Theatre in Education?
Young people want and need to discover the answers for themselves. Gibber’s Theatre in Education has a proven track record of engaging young people in a way that empowers them to do that. While at the same time supporting your organisation and communicating your message, so it hits home.
Program delivery takes place in schools, which offers a strategic way to reach large numbers in a short space of time. So that means greater exposure and value for money.
Gibber’s delivery model uses a combination of live theatre, interactive workshops and follow on teacher resources. All underpinned with links to the curriculum. Our production set includes a media screen which can promote your brand, present stats and information and bring characters to life. We also use the screen to signpost teachers to online supporting resources.
The content of every program is bespoke but at the heart of each one we create cool credible characters, brought to life by professional actors. Overall, our Theatre in Schools programs ensure we deliver a memorable learning experience that is fun, educational, and interactive.
How TiE supports water efficiency?
Our work within the water industry helps us to understand the huge challenges it faces. In particular, the need for education around wastewater messaging and the importance of lowering water consumption. Since 2016 we have been developing and delivering a range of original educational programs to meet the challenge and help companies achieve greater water efficiency goals.
Case Study Example: Think Before You Flush
Working with United Utilities, we developed ‘Think Before You Flush’ to engage and inspire high school students to stop flushing wet wipes down the toilet, helping to reduce blockages and sewer flooding.
With an increased knowledge of the negative impact of wet wipes on the environment, we encouraged students to film a 2 min vlog to highlight what they had learnt.
“Great energetic performance, perfectly pitched to engage the students on the topic of wet wipe disposal. Thank you.”
Rosie Cole, Teacher, St. Bees School
Case Study Example: You’ve Been Flushed
‘You’ve Been Flushed’ brings Northumbrian Water’s mascot Dwaine Pipe, to life for primary students, during the delivery period, there was a 210% increase in downloads of the Dwaine Dash App that we promoted during the performance.
In 2020 we helped Northumbrian Water promote their ‘Bin The Wipe’ campaign.
Case Study: ‘Super Splash Heroes’
In 2016 Northumbrian Water Group approached us with the challenge to bring their Super Splash Heroes to life to support their national ‘Every Drop Counts’ campaign.
We developed the award-winning Super Splash Heroes as an interactive pantomime performance. With lots of audience participation, interactive songs, and bold costumes. For four years now, we have been taking the young audience on a journey, where they all want to waste less water and become Super Splash Heroes.
We evaluate everything we do to assess the delivery of key learning objectives and customer satisfaction. All our programs evaluate well. The Super Splash Heroes is no exception.
Quick Stats
“Your presentation has made a lasting impression and will carry an important water saving message home.”
Mr J Allan, St Mary’s CE Primary
“It helped me learn everything I need to know about saving water.”
Pupil, James Knott Primary Primary School
Students consistently tell us that they understand the practical things they can do to reduce how much water they use. And more importantly from Northumbrian Waters point of view, they are keen to let us know who they will tell about the Super Splash Heroes and ways to waste less water.
Evaluation tells us that Theatre in Education helps water organisations to start conversations around the messages they need to communicate. And it does it in a way that traditional methods often struggle with.
In an innovative, cost-effective program Gibber Educational raise awareness of crucial water efficiency and wastewater messages. Then leave behind the resources for teachers and parents to continue that conversation long after we’ve gone.
If you would like to observe the delivery of one of our programs in a school, please contact us. See for yourself the impact they have and how we can help you inspire positive change.
You can also read about our other schools programs in our education case studies.
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