What is Drama Based Training and 5 reasons why it can benefit your business

What is Drama Based Training

Engage, Communicate & Inspire

What is Drama Based Training? Is the concept new to you? If you are a HR Manager, Training Person, Business Owner, or your role involves staff engagement and training, then this blog post is for you.

We will look at Drama Based Training (DBT), what it is and how it works. Then give you five reasons why it can help to engage, communicate with, and inspire your staff. And lead to a positive impact on your business.

What is Drama Based Training?

The ability of Drama Based Training to engage people in learning came about from forum theatre methods pioneered by Augusto Boal in the early 1970s.

Although drama is widely used in business training, it is still a concept that many do not know.

People often assume that DBT is ‘role-play’ or a way of teaching ‘acting techniques’ for business. These are things that can be built into a DBT session, or used for follow-on work, but they are not what DBT is mostly all about.

Drama Based Training helps you identify, challenge, and change behaviour in the workplace. In a typical session, professional actors present different scenarios and bring your tricky business issues, processes, and practices to life.

It is about learning through experience. Creating a lively but safe space, engages staff and encourages participation. It is motivating and empowering to share experiences, problem-solve, and come up with new ideas together. And all of this helps to embrace change, which can play a big part in improving your overall customer and employee experience.

How does Drama Based Training work?

The Gibber Drama Based Training model uses of mix of Live Theatre, Film and Multimedia. Using all these together is proven to accelerate learning, build motivation and confidence to support personal development.

Firstly the main aims and learning goals are decided. Then scripted scenarios are written to highlight any focus areas for development. The scenes come alive when our actors present them, using both bespoke drama techniques and traditional training approaches. They raise issues and fuel debate around the central questions:

  • What is it like to work here?
  • Are we happy with this way of working?
  • Does it fit with our vision and values?
  • How can we do things better?

When you have skilful facilitators and a fun learning atmosphere, it encourages people to take part. It inspires them to find solutions to answers themselves. Gives them the chance to try out new behaviours. As well as discover how these changes will benefit them and the organisation. That means they can take what they have learnt and put it into everyday practice.

Positive Impact

So, how can Drama Based Training impact positively on staff morale? Here we offer five useful reasons why it will benefit and help to improve your workplace.

1. It’s unique

Breakaway from the norm. Do something different. Unlike regular traditional training, Drama Based Training offers an entirely unique approach. An approach that is powerful, relevant, different, and fun. Staff who take part in DBT describe it as ‘a more interesting, interactive and enjoyable way of delivering training that is anything but boring!’ DBT is bespoke, so because it is exclusive to you, you will achieve your outcomes and smash your goals!

2. It allows you to see things from a different perspective.

People often comment that the most significant impact of DBT comes from the chance to observe familiar workplace scenarios from a 3rd party perspective. It’s because it drives them to explore different approaches. They do this by directing the actors. They can stop, start, fast-forward, rewind or start scenarios again. And make changes along the way to find a better outcome.


3. It brings real situations to life.

When actors/facilitators act out scenarios in a fun, engaging way, it brings real situations to life. The robust and interactive delivery style can highlight problems and start conversations. And this helps staff to understand and put into action everything they learn fully. Employees say that it’s useful to watch real scenes that they can relate to. They find it memorable too, much more impactful than a standard PowerPoint presentation!

4. It provokes discussion and breaks down barriers.

Drama Based Training methods build trust, trigger an emotional response, and allow risk-taking. When people are at ease, it helps to break down barriers and provoke discussion that wouldn’t happen in a standard training situation. People are more open to try different approaches and embrace new ideas into their thinking.  When this happens, the benefits to your business are long-lasting.

5. It improves motivation and confidence.

The mix of techniques in Drama Based Training appeal to all learning styles. The multimedia, the drama, the engaging delivery style, captures attention. So it is a valuable tool for educating staff and improving motivation and confidence in the workplace.  


If you were unsure about Drama Based Training and the benefits for your business, hopefully, you have a clearer idea now. You may be thinking your corporate training program could do with a refresh! If that’s the case, please get in touch hello@wearegibber.com (UK) gday@wearegibber.com (AUS).

To find out more about Drama Based Training check out our follow-up blog ‘A change to traditional training: what to expect in Drama Based Training’ You might also like to read about some organisations who have had success from DBT.

One response to “What is Drama Based Training and 5 reasons why it can benefit your business”

  1. I like what you said about how drama based training is a good break away from the norm and doing something different. I’m trying to learn more ways of training myself and others if I ever get called upon to do that, and this sounds pretty cool. Thank you for the information about how staff who participate in DBT note that it is a more interesting and interactive way to deliver training without boring you.