Water Efficiency Performances for Schools
Exciting times ahead for Gibber Educational as we form a new partnership with Smart Approved WaterMark (SAWM).
We will be working with ‘the one stop shop for water efficiency’ in Australia, to manage and deliver a new interactive water literacy schools’ program.
‘Walter Smart and Friends’ is an effective national campaign, aligned to the curriculum that helps engage schools and children to understand how making small changes to our water using behaviour will benefit us all.
The Perfect Partner
Both Gibber and Smart Approved WaterMark share a passion for promoting greater water efficiency. So, it makes perfect sense for us to join forces on this innovative educational project.
SAWM help people to be more mindful of their water use. They certify products to ensure the most water efficient are easily accessible for consumers. Plus, help organisations and businesses by providing smart water advice and smart water audits.
Gibber use pioneering theatre in schools (TiS) to support greater water efficiency. Our work within the UK water industry helps us to understand the huge challenge around wastewater messaging. As well as, the importance of lowering water consumption in Australia. Since 2016 we have been developing and delivering original educational programs to meet that challenge. Gaining a proven track record for helping companies achieve greater water efficiency goals.
Walter Smart and Friends
Gibber will bring ‘Walter Smart and Friends’ to life in an engaging, memorable learning experience. The performance and workshop package covers the bases of water supply, treatment, 3Ps, water efficiency, wise water behaviour and perfectly compliments the Australian curriculum emphasis on sustainability as a priority for study.
The 40-minute high energy, whole school pantomime follows The Smart family and friends, who spend their time finding ways to waste less water every day, on a mission to become water smart champions.
The delivery model uses a mix of original music and songs, comedy, and multimedia to captivate and inspire a young audience.
The program is on offer for Smart Water subscribers and bookings are available from Summer 2020 (term 4). For further details about this project please visit the SAWM website or contact us.
To find out more about Gibber’s Educational Theatre Program’s please see our Schools page.
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