Something small making a BIG impact
You’ve Been Flushed
At the start of 2017, Gibber worked in collaboration with Northumbrian Water, to deliver an innovative, fun and interactive Theatre in Education pantomime performance ‘You’ve Been Flushed’.
The main aim of You’ve Been Flushed is to educate primary school children about the things that can and can’t be put down the toilet or sink so that the drains in their home and the wider sewer network don’t get blockages. Additionally, to raise awareness of ‘Dwaine’s Dash’ app and inspire young people to pass on the information learnt regarding Dwaine’s catch phrase ‘only toilet paper pee and poo go down the loo’ to their parents / carers and families.
Dwaine Pipe Puppet
You’ve Been Flushed features Northumbrian Water’s fantastic mascot, Dwaine Pipe. Dwaine Pipe may be small be he has a big personality and made a big impact with primary school children across the North East of England.
Gibber commissioned the internationally acclaimed John Barber of Captain Mermaid Theatre Company to design and build a hand puppet version of Dwaine Pipe. Having a life like puppet of Dwaine who both the characters and the audience could interactive with was fundamental in bringing the story to life for the children and ensuring that they engage with Northumbrian Water’s ‘love your drain’ message.
As well as designing and building the puppet John worked intensively with the cast on how to animate and interact with the puppet in a way that makes it as life like and credible as possible for the children. The friendly, cheeky character of Dwaine Pipe was brilliantly captured in the design and operation of the puppet allowing the children to easily identify and empathise with him throughout.
During Spring Term 30 performances were scheduled and delivered in primary schools and approximately 4965 Key Stage 1 & 2 students participated in the programme.
100% of teachers questioned rated the performance as excellent (59%) very good (33%) or good (8%)
100% of pupils questioned rated the performance as excellent (68%) very good (20%) or good (12%)
100% of teachers questioned stated they would recommend You’ve Been Flushed to others
98% of teachers questioned would like You’ve Been Flushed repeated in the future
Teacher’s regularly comment on drama as an excellent way to get the message across to children and embed learning and state how much information they feel the pupils have learned. They identify the quality of the production and performers, the characters, songs, multimedia and interaction as having a positive impact on the children which helps reinforce the key messages and allows children to assimilate the learning into their own behaviour and attitudes.
It is clearly evidenced in both verbal and written feedback collected and from observing delivery and assessing reaction from young people, teachers and educational specialists that Gibber’s multi-sensory approach of live drama and multi-media is not only enjoyable, but also effective in delivery of its key objectives: to raise awareness of the 3 P’s- ‘only toilet paper, pee and poo go down the loo’ which will have a positive impact on helping reduce blockages in Northumbrian Water Group’s sewer network and the resulting flooding of customers’ homes.
“The fantastic Dwaine Pipe Puppet made the children realise the impact of what could happen to the drains.”
Mrs L A Martin, Head Teacher, Stanhope Primary School
You can watch video clip of You’ve Been Flushed to see Dwaine Pipe in action.
If you have a key message you would like to bring to life to engage, inspire and have a big impact on your target audience and don’t know where to start please drop us a line. We will be be happy to help.
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