Successful schools water education program in Tasmania

Raising water efficiency awareness

A unique program that raises awareness of water efficiency, improves water literacy, and influences responsible water behaviour has achieved outstanding results in schools across Tasmania.

In March 2022 over 1200 students took part in Walter Smart and Friends. A water education incursion sponsored by TasWater and developed by The Water Conservancy and Gibber Educational.

The live theatre experience engages with schools and educates primary school students, their families, and the wider community about the benefits of water efficiency.

It comprises an innovative, fun, educational pantomime style performance and an interactive follow-on workshop. These feature original music and songs, comedy, and multimedia to captivate a young audience and reinforce key water education messages.

“An engaging, educational performance I would highly recommend it to other schools.”

Claire Huxtable, Teacher St Mary’s College

A positive impact

The response from schools was extremely positive with both teachers and young people finding the multi-sensory approach of live theatre, film, and multi-media enjoyable – 100% of students rate the performance positively – and effective in the delivery of its key objectives: to educate children about how they use water, how wasteful we can be and how we can change our water using behaviour.

100% of teachers questioned would like Walter Smart and Friends repeated in the future

100% of students questioned think that performance is a good way to learn

100% of teachers questioned rated the performance positively (excellent 89% very good 11%)

100% of students questioned rated the performance positively (excellent 82% very good 16% good 2%)

Encouraging comments from students confirm their acknowledgement of the water topics;

“Thank you for all the water saving tips and teaching us about being Water Smart.”

“It was very interesting and fun. I learned things that I didn’t know about the water cycle”

“I learned a lot about water and how to save it.”

Teachers identify the performance as an engaging way to promote the water saving message to children and regularly comment on the characters and songs as an effective way to ensure the messages are retained. They were also impressed at how involved the children were in the show and the way they interacted. Along with the professionally presented multimedia and statistics that helped to visually reinforce all key messages.

“Excellent performance that provided students with facts and knowledge on how to save water, how much we use and where it comes from.”

Alex Payne, HPE Teacher The Launceston Preparatory School


If you would like to know more about our education programs, please check out our schools page or drop us a message.

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