Water Saving Week 2018

Water Saving Week

Raising awareness about why we need to save water.

About Water Saving Week

Water Saving Week 2018 takes place 19th – 23rd March. Hosted by Waterwise, It is the 4th annual Water Saving Week.

Waterwise’s UK Water Efficiency Strategy sets out to deliver a vision of a UK in which all people, homes and businesses are water-efficient, and where water is used wisely, every day, everywhere.

Water Saving Week echoes this vision with the aim to raise awareness of the need for everyone to use water wisely. Waterwise will be running a range of activities, daily challenges and sharing water saving ideas and advice throughout the week.

Why Save Water?

The UK has less available water per person than most other European countries. In a recent BBC article it states that London is 9th on the list of 11 cities most likely to run out of drinking water. Something you may be shocked to read? So it’s vital we all start taking steps to get water wise and ensure there is enough water for everyone.

Join in and get water wise!

Water Saving Week offers the chance to start a conversation about water efficiency. Encourage others to take part and share useful tips and facts about how we can and why we should save water.

Gibber will be joining in with the promotion of Water Saving Week. Our collaborative work with Northumbrian Water on educational environmental programme, Super Splash Heroes, continues to spread water saving messages to schools, families and the wider community.

During Water Saving Week the Super Splash Heroes team will be touring primary schools in Essex . Special activities will take place on Wednesday 21st March when the theme for Water Saving Week is ‘Saving water at school’. Check out other themes and find out more on the Waterwise website.

You can also check out Gibber’s top 10 water saving tips and read about how the Super Splash Heroes show how to get water wise!

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